Thursday, January 3, 2013


With each new day comes another chance to recommit to this journey.  I can tell already that 2013 is going to bring some uncomfortable discussions and situations but with the Lord as my traveling companion I know that nothing will happen that He and I can't tackle together (okay, so it's 99% HIM and 1% me... but isn't this the YEAR OF FAITH?)  And as an added bonus I'm going to ask His Blessed Mother to join us as well!  It definitely couldn't hurt -- and after all she is known for her reputation of crushing the head of the serpent!  And Lord knows - there will be no shortage of serpents on this journey. 

Over the last few weeks I have discovered a new food -- okay, not exactly NEW... it's the pomegranate!  Some claim that it was actually the pomegranate that Eve tempted Adam with in the Garden of Eden.  I saw a video a couple of weeks ago that showed how easy they are to clean and after comparing the price of the arils in the store vs the price of the whole fruit, I decided to give the do-it-myself version a try.  Well I was NOT disappointed!  In only 5 minutes of disassembling the thing -- and less than $2 -- I had a whole container full of yumminess!  To my taste buds these little nuggets are as sweet as candy, and if that will help me "take a load off" once and for all (not to mention the other health benefits the pro's are claiming), then I am going to put them to the test!  They will make a great "go to food" each time I open the fridge and look for something "grab-able".  I'll keep you posted!

Also on this 3rd day of January I have done a lot of thinking about my 2013 resolutions... here is the list I have come up with:

1)   Be ON PROGRAM at least 90% of the time.  With the iphone apps WW has made this so much easier to do.  A big hurdle for me is planning my meals ahead of time -- especially when we eat out -- almost EVERYTHING is available on line now so there's really no excuse NOT to know the PP value of the things I am eating!

2)   Try for the recommended 10,000 steps a day on the pedometer -- (notice the key word = "try").  Even if I start at 1000 and increase by 100 steps a day I will be moving more than what I'm doing now!

3)   List (and SELL) something on ebay or Craig's List every week.

4)   Work in picture area at least 5 minutes each day. 

5)   Then there's the one that a lot of people struggle with:  FLOSS regularly!  It may seem like a little thing but there is evidence that a lot of creepy/crappy germs enter our bodies via our mouths (even adding to things like heart disease and Alzheimer's -- who knew?)!  Flossing and improved oral hygiene makes it a lot harder for them to be welcomed into the bloodstream if they're headed off at the pass! 

Okay, that's it for me... I think that at the end of the day/week these are the main ones that will make me feel like I have accomplished something great - even though they seem like small things.

Lord, thank you for being my constant companion as I travel life's highway!

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