Sunday, January 6, 2013


1-5-13 - Me 'n Jerry in Nicole's backyard for 
Joey's 2nd birthday party
207.7 lb

Next picture will be taken at 197 lb and in 10 lb increments 
thereafter until I reach my goal of 127!
(Wish me luck - as you can tell from the weight tracker 
I haven't been below 200 since I started keeping track all those years ago!)

I always like to set my alarm for 15-20 minutes before I actually HAVE to get up so I can lay in bed and evaluate/anticipate my day ahead.  This morning I laid there contemplating the events of the last several months and muddling over what I need to do to make 2013 a successful year.  The key here is  WHAT I NEED TO DO... for way too long now I have been "weight-ing" for a miracle but it has gotten me nowhere.  Starting from this minute right now I am going to stop looking for a miracle that may or may not happen.  If it's to be it's up to me!  The Lord has given me the tools... why am I having such a difficult time opening the box, taking them out, and USING THEM?  Why do I find it so easy to keep sabotaging myself -- and letting others do the same.  I am NOT going to be the victim anymore!  The second part of the journey starts NOW.  Everything I think, do, say, (or eat) from now on is going to effect my weight loss attitude.  I have to make every moment and every movement count.  One bite at a time... one ounce at a time... one moment at a time, and one emotion at a time.

Anyway, we went to 9:00 mass at St. John Eudes today and then (thankfully) they were out of the "good" donuts in the hall.  I thought I was home-free... was already planning to go home, have something "on plan", and leave plenty of points for the annual Little Christmas bash at the Gergen's tonight.  Well you know what they say about the best laid plans... before we were even in the car Jerry said "Where do you wanna go for breakfast?  My treat..."  Oh boy, already my imagination was off and running... I KNEW my safest bet was my go-to English muffin and single scrambled egg but NNNOOOO! He started mentioning Country Deli and IHOP...  we drove through the IHOP parking lot but it was full.  Besides, I have NO business eating there -- since they started posting the calories and sodium counts in their menu, I realize how toxic all that stuff is!   So temptation and frugality got the best of me and I opted for a McDonald's breakfast -- OMG - that will be the LAST time I get that selection!  Next time I'll go with the oatmeal!  HUGE difference!  And you know what?  It wasn't even that good!  Definitely NOT worth that many points!  

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