Okay, so my second weigh-in of the year didn't go so well, but it's not like it was a total shock or anything... I had NOT been behaving myself at all and was just hoping for the best... which needless to say I have NEVER been any good at! I was up 2.6 lb. But it is a new day, a new week, and hopefully a new attitude! As everyone who has ever tried repeatedly to succeed at something, it's NOT about how many times you fall, it's about how many times you get back up again!
One of the things I read to stay motivated suggested that, just like when we want to know more about a disease we or a family member or friend are diagnosed with and we go on line and research the heck out of it, I need to do that for inspirational weight loss stories, especially the type that don't happen overnight. Here is a perfect example I stumbled across this morning. This young mom has lost over 300 lb on Weight Watchers and her story is definitely one for the books. I LOVE this blog because she has chronicled her weight loss journey in words AND in pictures. I hope and pray that one day in the not-too-distant future someone is actually reading the story of MY (successful) weight loss journey and finding inspiration! Meanwhile if you want to be TRULY inspired, check out THIS blog:
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
1-5-13 - Me 'n Jerry in Nicole's backyard for
Joey's 2nd birthday party
207.7 lb
Next picture will be taken at 197 lb and in 10 lb increments
thereafter until I reach my goal of 127!
(Wish me luck - as you can tell from the weight tracker
I haven't been below 200 since I started keeping track all those years ago!)
thereafter until I reach my goal of 127!
(Wish me luck - as you can tell from the weight tracker
I haven't been below 200 since I started keeping track all those years ago!)
Thursday, January 3, 2013
With each new day comes another chance to recommit to this journey. I can tell already that 2013 is going to bring some uncomfortable discussions and situations but with the Lord as my traveling companion I know that nothing will happen that He and I can't tackle together (okay, so it's 99% HIM and 1% me... but isn't this the YEAR OF FAITH?) And as an added bonus I'm going to ask His Blessed Mother to join us as well! It definitely couldn't hurt -- and after all she is known for her reputation of crushing the head of the serpent! And Lord knows - there will be no shortage of serpents on this journey.
Over the last few weeks I have discovered a new food -- okay, not exactly NEW... it's the pomegranate! Some claim that it was actually the pomegranate that Eve tempted Adam with in the Garden of Eden. I saw a video a couple of weeks ago that showed how easy they are to clean and after comparing the price of the arils in the store vs the price of the whole fruit, I decided to give the do-it-myself version a try. Well I was NOT disappointed! In only 5 minutes of disassembling the thing -- and less than $2 -- I had a whole container full of yumminess! To my taste buds these little nuggets are as sweet as candy, and if that will help me "take a load off" once and for all (not to mention the other health benefits the pro's are claiming), then I am going to put them to the test! They will make a great "go to food" each time I open the fridge and look for something "grab-able". I'll keep you posted!
Also on this 3rd day of January I have done a lot of thinking about my 2013 resolutions... here is the list I have come up with:
1) Be ON PROGRAM at least 90% of the time. With the iphone apps WW has made this so much easier to do. A big hurdle for me is planning my meals ahead of time -- especially when we eat out -- almost EVERYTHING is available on line now so there's really no excuse NOT to know the PP value of the things I am eating!
2) Try for the recommended 10,000 steps a day on the pedometer -- (notice the key word = "try"). Even if I start at 1000 and increase by 100 steps a day I will be moving more than what I'm doing now!
3) List (and SELL) something on ebay or Craig's List every week.
4) Work in picture area at least 5 minutes each day.
5) Then there's the one that a lot of people struggle with: FLOSS regularly! It may seem like a little thing but there is evidence that a lot of creepy/crappy germs enter our bodies via our mouths (even adding to things like heart disease and Alzheimer's -- who knew?)! Flossing and improved oral hygiene makes it a lot harder for them to be welcomed into the bloodstream if they're headed off at the pass!
Okay, that's it for me... I think that at the end of the day/week these are the main ones that will make me feel like I have accomplished something great - even though they seem like small things.
With each new day comes another chance to recommit to this journey. I can tell already that 2013 is going to bring some uncomfortable discussions and situations but with the Lord as my traveling companion I know that nothing will happen that He and I can't tackle together (okay, so it's 99% HIM and 1% me... but isn't this the YEAR OF FAITH?) And as an added bonus I'm going to ask His Blessed Mother to join us as well! It definitely couldn't hurt -- and after all she is known for her reputation of crushing the head of the serpent! And Lord knows - there will be no shortage of serpents on this journey.
Over the last few weeks I have discovered a new food -- okay, not exactly NEW... it's the pomegranate! Some claim that it was actually the pomegranate that Eve tempted Adam with in the Garden of Eden. I saw a video a couple of weeks ago that showed how easy they are to clean and after comparing the price of the arils in the store vs the price of the whole fruit, I decided to give the do-it-myself version a try. Well I was NOT disappointed! In only 5 minutes of disassembling the thing -- and less than $2 -- I had a whole container full of yumminess! To my taste buds these little nuggets are as sweet as candy, and if that will help me "take a load off" once and for all (not to mention the other health benefits the pro's are claiming), then I am going to put them to the test! They will make a great "go to food" each time I open the fridge and look for something "grab-able". I'll keep you posted!
Also on this 3rd day of January I have done a lot of thinking about my 2013 resolutions... here is the list I have come up with:
1) Be ON PROGRAM at least 90% of the time. With the iphone apps WW has made this so much easier to do. A big hurdle for me is planning my meals ahead of time -- especially when we eat out -- almost EVERYTHING is available on line now so there's really no excuse NOT to know the PP value of the things I am eating!
2) Try for the recommended 10,000 steps a day on the pedometer -- (notice the key word = "try"). Even if I start at 1000 and increase by 100 steps a day I will be moving more than what I'm doing now!
3) List (and SELL) something on ebay or Craig's List every week.
4) Work in picture area at least 5 minutes each day.
5) Then there's the one that a lot of people struggle with: FLOSS regularly! It may seem like a little thing but there is evidence that a lot of creepy/crappy germs enter our bodies via our mouths (even adding to things like heart disease and Alzheimer's -- who knew?)! Flossing and improved oral hygiene makes it a lot harder for them to be welcomed into the bloodstream if they're headed off at the pass!
Okay, that's it for me... I think that at the end of the day/week these are the main ones that will make me feel like I have accomplished something great - even though they seem like small things.
Lord, thank you for being my constant companion as I travel life's highway!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Well in spite of everything going on in the world right now I am going to try to stay optimistic. I am turning everything over to the Lord and am going to let HIM worry about it for me.
I am going into the new year with renewed commitment to this ever present battle of the bulge. But there are just so many other things to occupy my life and my concentration.
For the last several years I have been hoping and praying for a miracle including two good incomes and perhaps a job with GREAT medical benefits (this year my payroll deduction for Jerry and I to have Kaiser went just north of $1300 a month ~ and we STILL have our co-pays on top of that!). I don't wanna get old but I hope we make it to the age where we can go on Medicare!
We are going to try, with renewed commitment, to get that darn website up and running and generating an income. I am going to have to rely on Jerry to get this done since I am so very busy with everything else, and hope to be returning to school next week for medical billing/coding/insurance.
And then there's the whole situation with Mom. She is so lonely over there at the house. She lived there with Dad for over 25 years and has seen many, many changes. This past year was the hardest on her, having watched Dad battle brain cancer and pass away on the 23rd of December, 2011. We are trying to encourage her to go to Emeritus - a beautiful residential facility where seniors can go to live under the same roof -- each with their own apartment, furniture, and privacy, but enough companionship and activities to keep them as busy as they choose to be. And a cheerful dining room that serves residents 3 great meals a day as well as readily available snacks. Mom is NOT used to making any type of major decisions on her own and we can all tell she really doesn't feel comfortable doing it. She resents people telling her what to do but desperately wants someone to make the decision for her. Can you say "rock and a hard place"?
Okay, enough stress talk for one day! Plenty more where that came from... until tomorrow then...
Dear Lord - Please help mom realize how much we all love her
and only want the best for her!
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