Thursday, October 11, 2012


Well now... so how in the world could 365 days have evaporated in the blink of an eye?  When Mike and Nicole first gave Jerry and me the fantastic news that we were going to be grandparents before the year was over my heart was dancing!  I made up my mind then and there (or so I thought) to get myself healthy.  I DID NOT want to start out my grandbaby's life as an unhealthy grandma. 

Needless to say February to October went faster than the speed of lightning and Michael Bradley Briones made his debut into the world on 10/11/11.  While his perfect little body was maturing and getting ready to be born, my progress was at a standstill.  Every brain cell I had was preoccupied with thoughts of our second move in the past few years, finally being able to relocate back to Chatsworth, and of my sweet dad and that stupid brain cancer and when he was going to be well enough to come home again.
Jerry and  I welcome our new little Mikey!  :)

So now fast forward the 365 days that Mikey has blessed the world with his presence and brought joy to so many hearts.  No diet progress at all for me in 2012 (except that I didn't GAIN - which I guess could've happened in the midst of everything else - so I suppose that is definitely a GOOD thing).  We are now permanently in Chatsworth, Dad passed away on 12/23/11, and I was working as hard as anyone could to keep things caught up at work while trying my best to make sure Mom was being cared for both physically and emotionally.  We ALL miss Dad SOOOO much but no one more than what SHE does!  :(  

Nicole and Mike relocated to the SFV, Dennis moved twice, and Chris was accepted at and is attending USC working on his master's degree.   I guess only GOD knows how much we can handle. 

Happy 1st Birthday Mikey!
Me - Nicole - Mom and Mikey = 4 generations!  
So now with today, 10/11/12 being declared the official start to the

YEAR OF FAITH for the Catholic Church around the world

I am going to renew my faith that I CAN tackle this weight loss issue once and for all and come out the winner!    

Mikey, by your 2nd birthday I hope to be at my goal weight and much, much healthier and happier than I am right now. :)
Please help me in my weight loss journey, Lord. 
To you be the glory and honor in all things -- now and forever! 

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