What is it that makes it so elusive to some and come so easily to others?
Why do some people seem to have it all together – pictures off
the camera and sorted into folders on the desktop, scrapbooking up to date,
perfectly organized garage (Mark, you KNOW who you are!), closets neat
and tidy – even the ones nobody ever sees, or the ones who get an idea in their
head for a business they want to start, then before you know it they’re up and
running, when the rest of us get it all together and forget where we left it.
Why is it that some people make a commitment to lose 25 pounds
– and DO IT! Work their way up to
completing a marathon – and DO IT! Decide
to get their house in order – and DO IT!
And the rest of us (yours truly included) just dream about these things.
Is it drive? Determination? A definite plan of action? Probably.
Or as in my case, DISTRACTIONS!
By recording my journey this time (my 101st new start on Weight Watchers) I hope to explore some of these issues and discover along the way where I have gone off course all those countless other times.
By recording my journey this time (my 101st new start on Weight Watchers) I hope to explore some of these issues and discover along the way where I have gone off course all those countless other times.
Since the passing of my sweet Daddy at the end of 2011, someone who seemed to always take some great care of himself, both physically and spiritually I have become acutely aware of how fragile and fleeting life is. I don’t want to still be sitting on the sidelines in January of next year, making the same tired old New Year’s Resolutions. I want to be a heck of a lot closer to my goal than I am today and a lot more physically fit!
Lord, please let me always remember that nothing is going to
happen to me today that you and I can’t handle together!
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